Balloon Sinuplasty

What is Balloon Sinuplasty? 


Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) is a safe and effective procedure for chronic sinusitis patients who are not responding well to medications and are seeking relief from uncomfortable and painful sinusitis symptoms.

With Balloon Sinuplasty, ENT doctors open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open up blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose.

The benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty include:

  • Safe
    More than 150,000 patients have been treated safely with Balloon Sinuplasty.
  • Proven
    Over 95% of patients who’ve had the procedure say they would have it again. (1)
  • Fast
    While recovery time varies with each patient, people can quickly return to normal activities. (2)

If you have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and are not responding well to antibiotics, you may be a candidate for sinus surgery. There is now a less invasive option used by ENT doctors to treat chronic sinusitis that is clinically proven to be safe, effective and improve the quality of your life.

Learn more about Balloon Sinuplasty.


  1. ORIOS I, office-based dilation, Data on file at Acclarent.
  2. Wynn R, Vaughn W. “Post-Operative Pain After FESS with Balloon Sinuplasty.”AAO
  1. Wynn R, Vaughn W. “Post-Operative Pain After FESS with Balloon Sinuplasty.”AAO